Saturday, August 23, 2008

Her own preferences

We have a photo frame that shows a slideshow of C photos that she'll just sit and watch for ages. Some of the photos are of last Halloween, when C was "Little Quack." Randomly, in the car the other day she started talking about the day she was a duck in the dark and how it was fun and she got treats in a sack. She was saying that it was "so much fun," (which, incidentally is one of her favorite phrases lately). I explained that it was a game we played every year, called Halloween. I asked if she wanted to be a duck again. Her response: "No, I don't want to be a duck again. I be Minnie Mouse in the dark next!" I never thought a not-quite-3 year old would understand Halloween enough to have a preference already! Thankfully, the Minnie costume is available online, so I'll be getting that soon. 

Another quip...or two

Last night we went to a dinner at the chapel and a little bunny was outside munching on leaves. We stopped to watch it--for about 10 minutes. We actually had to sit down on the sidewalk, we were there so long. C was very good about it too, she didn't chase him, she just sat and watched, and talked to it and about it. My favorite though:

C: Hi bunny, *points to self* I C, *points to me* and this is my friend, Mommy.

She looked at me a little later and said, "I want to pet bunny."
By this time I was ready to be done watching the bunny so I said, "Go ahead and try."
C very cautiously walked toward the bunny, and the bunny hopped away, of course. C looked up at me very solemnly and said, "I don't think bunny wants petted."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quip of the day

C decided she wanted cereal for lunch today, and since she had an egg and bacon for breakfast, I went along with it. I was talking to her while she ate and she decided to tell me all about her letters (The Letter Factory is our latest obsession, but I don't object because she knows almost all the sounds of all the letters now.) and she put her empty spoon in her mouth.

"Oops. No food there."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Little Bibliophile

I'm raising a little bibliophile. For those of you who aren't big on the greek/latin word roots, "biblio" means book, and "phile" means love. We went to the library last week and got C her first library card, and while we were there, my friend Danielle (*waves*) was asking me about my favorite books growing up. I thought about it and realized that I don't know much about which books were my favorites when I was C's age, except for my mother telling me that I tortured my grandmother by making her read "The Farmer in the Dell" for hours upon end. I could think of a multitude of books I loved after about the age of 8, but before that *shrug* nobody knows what I was fond of. That made me decide to blog about what books C loves right now. And boy, does she love books. She has a stack of them that she carries around the house, pushes in her stroller and takes to bed. The _same_ stack all the time. She will also sit and "read" her books for, well, half-hours at a time. She loves her Clifford, Curious George, Thomas the Tank Engine and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but in particular she loves "Minnie's Rainbow" (100 times a day!) and "Curious George Builds a Home". In addition to her television characters, she has developed a fondness for "Miss Spider's Tea Party" that we got at Sophie's tea party birthday last year. She's also recently discovered our Dr. Suess books, and while she doesn't understand Horton Hears a Who, she likes looking at the elephant. She prefers Mr. Brown says Moo, There's a Wocket in My Pocket, Cat In the Hat and the Lorax though. She also loves "The Monster at the End of the Book" and her feels-real books. Her favorite board books seem to be Are You My Mother and Put Me In the Zoo. Before bed we have several books that we read, all bedtime related: Goodnight George, Just in Case You Ever Wonder, Kittycat's Lullaby, Little Quack's bedtime and The Going to Bed Book. We were reading Goodnight Moon until the air conditioning unit in C's room started leaking and got it all wet. Ick. Yes, I am raising a little bibliophile. I doubt that anyone is particularly surprised by that though.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Little Girl Firsts

I can hardly believe my little girl is being, well, a little girl. She's more little girl than toddler these days. We have "firsts" and "she's started..." happening all the time these days. Where to start. In the past week, she's had her first horse-ride (she loved it and every time we drive past the place, she asks if we're going to ride the horse again), set up her first "picnic" for her stuffed friends, and she's gotten her first library card of her own. I don't know that she was all that excited by it, but she was thrilled by the books we got to take home.  We went to Oceans of Fun for the first time. C calls it "the water carnival". C got her first (and quite likely only) kitchen set with play food. She spends copious amounts of time "cooking" and "cutting" and "baking." I get to eat a lot of pretend strawberries. She calls it a "chichen" (another one for the pronunciations). She's also started making up the most delightful little songs. She takes whatever is going on in our daily lives and turns it into a song, pounding on her Baby Einstein octopus piano at the same time. I keep trying to get a picture of it, but she's started noticing me take pictures and as soon as the camera comes out, she mugs for it. Last, but not least, she's started helping in the real kitchen a little bit. She buttered her own bread for a grilled cheese sandwich the other day, and, boy howdy, she thought that was the best sandwich ever. Guess we're going to start cooking more and more together. I just wish it didn't take so much planning and preparation in order to have her help. I'm enjoying all these firsts, I can hardly wait to see what she comes up with next. Hopefully, it will be going potty.