We've started going to the library for story time once a week. C sits still through the stories, but doesn't participate much (even though some of the stories are interactive; the librarian does an amazing job picking stories) until we get to the craft time. She runs to the table and claims her space, grabbing up the markers and materials, raring to go. She's also usually the last one to leave, taking as much time to "make things" as she can. "Making things" is the new theme at home as well. The last package we sent to "Daggy"
was pretty much just her artwork. I wonder what I'm going to do with it all when he's back here and I don't have anywhere to send it. Actually, I saw a great display idea at a friend's house the other day, and I might have to borrow her brilliance. C does, however, participate very well when watching PBS

or Disney and they have the characters or "teacher" ask the kids to do things. It's something I plan to mention to her preschool teachers next year. That's right folks, C is starting preschool in the fall. I've heard simply fantastic things from friends whose opinions I respect about the school we've chosen.
She's learning plenty at home as well. Lately, she's mommy's little helper--wants to help mommy clean, do laundry and even cook. She knows all her capital letters and their sounds, she can count to 12 in the correct order, and even recognizes some of the numbers visually. She's also making progress in holding a writing instrument, drawing recognizable shapes lines, and coloring purposefully. Her coloring pages are less scribble-all-over and more scribble-a-specific-spot. It's really fun to watch her skills emerge.
Speaking of lessons, C's also been taking swimming lessons this spring "semester". She's already passed the Red Cross level 1 and the teachers have passed her through level 2, but her mommy hasn't. I'm not as confident in her skills in the water as her instructor seems to be, so I'm keeping her in level 2 one more month, just to give her a bit more practice with some of the skills before we go to level 3, where there are going to be some "big kids". Apparently, level 3 takes some time, and physical development to get through, and some kids don't pass it until they're 8 or 9. Call me overprotective if you want, but I'm a bit hesitant about putting my little 3 year old in with school-kids. She'll be going that route in April, but for March, I'll let her practice a bit more.
Dance lessons seem to be following a water theme as well. C's now in an actual class for dance and will be participating in the recital in May. The recital's concept is "Under the Sea," and the costumes all follow suit. C's class will be mermaids, and while I'm quite frankly unimpressed with the costume, the girls are enjoying the idea of being Princess Ariel. I'm hopeful that the costume will look better on the girls than in the picture.
We've also been on several outings lately. Playhouse Disney Live! came to Topeka and we had the good fortune to get some great seats. C, however, didn't sit down for much of it, she was so excited. I actually got out of the house for a ladies' outing or two. I even went to the Chris Tomlin concert with a friend. We also got fantastic seats for that one. For Valentine's day, I treated C to lunch in a restaurant (one of her favorite treats, as well as mommy's), then went to see Bob the Builder, Live! where again she didn't sit for most of the show because of the excitement, and then we built another "friend" at Build-a-Bear. Very exciting. In a great show of responsibility, when we got home she gave me three of her stuffed animals for our give-away box, saying "I don't have time to play with these anymore, Mommy." Such an aware little girl. With the unseasonably warm weather, we've also gotten to go to the park a bit and I'm impressed by how much she can do on the equipment compared to last year about this time.
Then, we got sick. I just have to say, she's been a trooper, but I'm really glad we're both healthy again and we can get back to the library, swimming, dance class, outings and "making things". .