Monday, October 8, 2007

Go Fish!

This last weekend (4 October - 6 October) we went "down the hill" to see F's Uncle Peter and Aunt Amy. Our big event was visiting the Aquarium of the Pacific at Long Beach. C is quite enamored with fish right now, and there were plenty there for her to look at. As soon as we walked through the door, she squealed "fish" and wanted out of her stroller so she could get right up to the glass and see them up close. She was definitely impressed. I'd be hard pressed to figure out what her favorite part might have been. I just know that my favorite, the seals and sea lions, failed to capture her interest.

As for the travel part, it was a bit of practice for C and a trial run at how long we can drive without having to stop for a wiggle break (for our road trip to Leavenworth when we move). We stopped several places and shopped along the way, letting C push her own stroller and run around in the stores and mall a bit. The travel wasn't all that bad, actually, except for the fact that she thought she didn't need to go to sleep at night. We also learned that buffets are a "go", fast-food is a "go", but sit and be served places are definitely a "no-go"...for right now at least. Our best meal (comfort-wise) was probably the take-out pizza that we took back to our hotel. The worst was the cafeteria at the aquarium (C wanted her food NOW, and screamed until Daddy made it through the line). Soup Plantation was good, and the meal at the Sea Empress, while quite tasty, was uncomfortable because C just isn't quite suited to sitting still and eating right now.



Unknown said...

cutie pie! yeah, you never know how they're going to do in a restaurant these days.

Unknown said...

that was me, by the way.