Sunday, February 3, 2008

Disney'd Out

We chose a good weekend to do our last Disney trip (for a while). Apparently, on SuperBowl Sunday, people aren't as inclined to go to an amusement park as they usually are. It also drizzled and remained overcast most of the day. While the precipitation was inconvenient and uncomfortable as we waited for the park to open in the morning, it did keep the crowds at bay. I'm not sure we got our money's worth out of the day though. We decided ahead of time that we'd only go on the rides C would be able to enjoy, which didn't leave us that many. Small World was closed, and that was the one she was anticipating with the most eagerness. We rode Dumbo, the Astro Orbiter, Autopia, King Arthur's Carousel (but only on the bench seat), Casey Jr. (the cartoon-ish train), the Storybook tourboat, the Monorail, and the Buzz Lightyear ride. C did not like the Buzz Lightyear ride until I put her on my knee to see, and that only made the ride tolerable for her. She complained all the way out that it had been dark. "Is dark! No likey dark! No more dark!" This dark thing has been going on for some time, leading to the nightlight that's traveling with us. However, the "no dark" stipulation left out all the story-rides that would have been suitable for a toddler. *sigh* The trains were a big hit, and she likely would have ridden Casey a second time, if the wait hadn't gotten so long by the time we went back to it...and if we hadn't arrived at the line to discover someone had tossed their cookies right outside of it. Ew. The storybook land tour did not impress her much, and she "drove" on Autopia for about 30 seconds before losing interest, which led me to discover that driving from the left side of the car with the steering wheel on the right is a major pain (in the shoulder). After making the rounds of all the rides of interest, we tried to go back to the ones C enjoyed. We stood in line for the Astro Orbitor a second time, and when we got to the rocket, she balked, saying she didn't want to fly again. Same scene at Dumbo, round 2. About that time, she wanted to see the princesses. I really love the new Fantasyland "exhibit" where they have the princesses in the pavilion at one location with the coronation and storytelling events. C got to see the princesses, and participate, but without having to stand in line for an eternity. We did have to stop mid-day though, for a nap in one of the restaraunts, because C woke up at 0600 and was tuckered out by 1100. I'm sure the shortness of the nap also led to her crankiness later in the day, and the subsequent refusals to enjoy her favorite rides a second time. All in all, it was a good way to break away from California. By intent or by accident, we have developed a tradition, as a family, that when we leave a post, we go amusement park-ing. I finally feel like the move is real now...for me (Fred felt it about a week ago.)

On a side note: Disney park prices are CRAZY. I wanted to get a sweatshirt for C and me, but for the prices they charge, we could have bought a coat! I did, however, find a really awesome stocking cap and scarf that are super-soft and super-cute. They were worth the inflated prices, since I can never find ones that don't itch to high havens. Just in time to move to weather where I'll need them!

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