Thursday, April 17, 2008

Toddler Logic

We went to playgroup, lunch and then WalMart today, and the friend of choice was "tiny kitty." Here's what happened leaving WalMart. I am ever surprised and impressed by how smart my little girl is. Now if she could figure out potty-logic.

C drops "tiny kitty" on floor of car before I get the car started: Mommy, uh-oh, drop tiny kitty! 
Mommy: Where is tiny kitty?
C: on floor, get him?
Mommy gets kitty: hold on to him, because if you drop him, Mommy can't get him again until we get home.
Mommy starts car
C drops "tiny kitty" again. "Uh-oh. Drop tiny kitty 'gin...wait home." *Sigh*
Mommy: That's right, Mommy is driving so Mommy can't get tiny kitty until we get home.
C: Want Daddy.
Mommy: Why do you want Daddy?
C: Daddy drive car, Mommy get tiny kitty!


crazyjoyjoy said...

Wow, C is really smart! And we LOVE her logic. =D

Autumn said...

Smart girl you've got there!