Friday, July 4, 2008


Toddlers are so cute when they're beginning to explore language. I was talking to a fellow scrapbooker the other day and she waxed nostalgic about the cute ways her kids had of pronouncing things when they were little. She noted how she'd thought she'd never forget the especially cute ones. Now that she finally has time to scrapbook them, she doesn't remember. It's prompted me, encouraged me to write more about how she says things these days, and not just that she says them. For example, lately she pronounces 'magnets' as "mangets" and 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse' as "Mickey Mouse Chubhouse". 'Cinderella' is "Ciwewella". She's labeled Worlds of Fun a "Carnival". I'm sure there are others, but I'll have to add them as they come up. 

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