Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Miss Personality

My goodness, my baby girl is growing up so much. She's really demonstrating her own little personality and preferences lately. This means, of course, that she's holding regular temper tantrum sessions. However, it also means that she's doing any number of cute things as of late. Let's see, she's discovered a certain capability in problem-solving: dragging a chair over in order to reach things once out of reach.

Her animal-lover tendencies are as strong as ever: her stuffed friends are ever-present, and the only "Little People" she plays with are in her zoo/zoo train set. She discovered the wear-able monkey the other day, and I'm plagued by requests to put it on her, and take it off, and put it on...etc.

Water play is one of her favorite things, and today I caught her banging on the bathroom door, hollering "bath!" I wonder what she'll do when she understands about the baby pool we just got. Eek. Of course, she still wants to be just like Mommy. She has a child-size broom and dustpan, so she "helps" sweep at least once a day. She gravitates to the child-size kitchens with toy food and utensils that some of our friends have. She loves to "talk" on her own phone and carry her "purses" around the house, usually saying "bye!!" Of all her "mommy-isms," my favorite is the wearing of Mommy's shoes. She's totally "stylin'!" and I think she knows it. Here she is, mid-wave, saying "hi".

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