Monday, April 28, 2008

Sweet Pray-er

C has started praying with me when I pray during her bedtime routine. I noticed the other night that she was muttering while I prayed, and I asked her if she wanted to talk to God. She nodded vigorously and said "talk-a God!" Now she gets so excited when I tell her it's time to talk with God and Jesus. She is so aware of her blessings. I do the praying in terms of "requests" but she just says lots of thank-yous, and mostly for people. "Thank you God, (for) Pammie, Maddie, Miss Rachel. Thank you (for) kids, play(ing) with kids, fun, 'nastics, dance. Thank you (for our) tea party. Thank you (for) Papa, Grammy, Papa, Nana, Mommy, Daddy." Isn't that the most precious! I am so blessed by my baby girl. I wish I could claim some responsibility for her sweet spirit, but I think she just came made that way. 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Toddler Logic

We went to playgroup, lunch and then WalMart today, and the friend of choice was "tiny kitty." Here's what happened leaving WalMart. I am ever surprised and impressed by how smart my little girl is. Now if she could figure out potty-logic.

C drops "tiny kitty" on floor of car before I get the car started: Mommy, uh-oh, drop tiny kitty! 
Mommy: Where is tiny kitty?
C: on floor, get him?
Mommy gets kitty: hold on to him, because if you drop him, Mommy can't get him again until we get home.
Mommy starts car
C drops "tiny kitty" again. "Uh-oh. Drop tiny kitty 'gin...wait home." *Sigh*
Mommy: That's right, Mommy is driving so Mommy can't get tiny kitty until we get home.
C: Want Daddy.
Mommy: Why do you want Daddy?
C: Daddy drive car, Mommy get tiny kitty!

No oreos today, maybe later

Well, ya'll are going to have to keep coming back for those Oreo pictures. Something wacky's going on with blogger today. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Betcha didn't know that there's something inherent about how to eat an Oreo cookie! I gave into my craving for the tasty-yet-bad-for-me cookies and bought some about 3 or 4 weeks ago. They sat in the cupboard untouched (really) for some time until C started begging for cookies. They were the only ones we had, so I handed her a few. She'd never seen me eat one. However, she sat down with the bowl and twisted off one of the tops, licked the white filling and set the cracker part aside. She did this with each one, and didn't eat the chocolate crackers until I told her she wouldn't get any more unless she ate all the pieces. It was so cute. I'll have to post the pictures later. It's taking too long to upload today.