Sunday, September 23, 2007


That's right, we've gotten orders for the next assignment, and it looks like a move will take place shortly after the Winter Leave period, also known as Christmas Break, though not closely enough to move during the leave period...thank goodness. Also involved will be a deployment. This will be my first as an Army Wife. Not sure just how I feel about that just yet; I'm still trying to wrap my head around leaving Ft. Irwin. In the last 10 years, (since college, basically) I've lived here longer than anywhere else, and it feels odd to think about moving again. My head is spinning with all the details that have to be worked out and plans that have to be made. Not really looking forward to home-hunting from a distance again. However, the internet makes that a whole lot easier. I'm also having heartache leaving so many friends, and in the middle of the year, not at the usual PCS-season, and all the familiarity of the area. However, we are moving back to a relatively familiar landscape, and I have several friends once-from-here, who are now there. The move was planned, as we expected F to go to school this summer. It's just not quite on my timetable. I wasn't so "happy" about the move at first, more "practical" but God has truly provided His peace, in scripture and in circumstances. I'm ready to plan, and so, we're off to Fort Leavenworth sooner, rather than later! Kansas friends...see you soon!

Friday, September 14, 2007

On sentences and sizes

C is growing up so fast! She's starting to put her words together in sentences now. Her first sentence was quite some time ago, but she didn't continue. She pulled a stuffed dog out from under my head that I was pretending to nap on, quipping, "That's my doggy!" Lately though, she's been adding to her repetoire, saying things like "George is a monkey" and "Thomas is a train" and my favorite, "Daddy goes poop."

On another note regarding progress of a different kind. I've had to hand down some pants that I've out-shrunk, and I'm going to have to go shopping for a new size of pants pretty soon. A friend gave me a pair of shorts the next size down, and this morning I got them completely on for the first time, and they aren't too tight to breathe! I'm so excited, I did the happy dance. I'm quite pleased.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

MOPS kickoff

It's official, the year has started. Both of the organizations I'm involved in have had their kick-offs. MOPS got started yesterday, with an amazing meeting. The theme this year is "The Home Factor...Begin Here, Go There." We started yesterday with the Front Porch, where people gather to visit and get to know one another. Fittingly, we had activities for the ladies to get to know each other in their care/discussion groups. We started with a skit to set the tone for the year, based on the story of the 3 little pigs. It turned out so cute! I couldn't believe the laughter in the room! If you'd like a copy, let me know...I wrote it, though I credit all the inspiration totally to the Lord. We also made a welcome sign for our homes. The most hilarious part of the day was the Survivor: Motherhood game we played. Each of the discussion groups was a team and had challenges that relate to surviving a day as mommy of an under-6er (toddler, infant, preschooler). I had no idea that toilet paper could be rolled back up so quickly, or that adults could chug baby food! The Care Fair was yesterday too, and several women who'd been to their first MOPS meeting ever that morning stopped to tell us that they had so much fun, and they'll be back! We may even run into an awesome problem: having to start a new discussion group! Praise God!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Saying "I Love You"

Tonight after I put C to bed, I ran to the computer to blog this momentous occasion. C went into her crib, asked for Kitty, Bear, and George, in turn--and received them. I told her "Mommy loves you," kissed my fingers and pressed the kiss to her cheek. She kissed her hand and reached out to me. I asked her, "Can C say 'I love you'?" And she did! Rather clearly, "I wuf oo." Twice...the second time was after she saw how happy it made me. Wow...what an evening. My eyes are tearing up. What a sweet, sweet moment.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Toddlerhood: Potty training and food jags

Well, it's official, we've begun potty training. For months C has been interested in the toilet, and it's use, and every so often she'd ask to sit on it, but when she said "all done" nothing new was in the potty. This morning though, we were in the middle of changing the morning diaper, and C said "potty!" I indulged her, and lo, and behold, there was new stuff in the potty when she said "all done!" Yippee!

Now, if I could just get her to eat something besides applesauce, oatmeal and goldfish crackers. I think those 2-year molars that she's been working on lately are hurting, so she's fussy about what goes in her mouth. However, knowing that doesn't make living with her persnickitiness any easier.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Aaack! I'm raising a tvophile

Well, my intentions were good, but I started something that I think I'm beginning to regret. I was sick some time ago, and so I could rest, just left the tv on PBS. It was all well and good for a bit, but then we took that trip to San Diego and bought the DVD player and the Thomas DVDs. She is now officially addicted to the big entertainment box...specifically Curious George, Thomas the Train, and Clifford, the Big Red Dog. Her favorite is Curious George, of course. However, she has also learned to say "George," "monkey," "Thomas," and "choo-choo," often at the top of her lungs. At least she also loves the books about George and Thomas so we do get to read fairly often as well. I really didn't intend to let her watch this much television, but it's such an easy way to make her happy. Ugh. At least I'm becoming well-versed in children's public television. How 'bout the rest of you. Do you find the television on more often than you'd like, or am I just a lazy Mommy?