Thursday, December 20, 2007

Diaper Talent

I think it's about time to push the potty-issue. C has taken to changing her own diaper, well, actually a pull-up. It's incredibly cute. She does the whole thing, including wiping. This is only a problem if it's not just wet. Then, she comes a-running, hollering "yucky! yucky!" Then we wash her hands...for one of the thousand times we wash each day: C just loves to wash her hands. I really don't want to deal with the potty until after we've moved. I'm not relishing the idea of taking a potty-training toddler on a 4 day trip. Yes, we're taking 4 days to do the drive, so we can stop and do a few fun little side trippy things on the way.

1 comment:

timsarmywifey said...

Hey there, I wouldn't push the issue until after you are settled at Leavenworth.
4 days isn't so long to take -- not with a 2 yo!!

Hugs and blessings,