Monday, April 28, 2008

Sweet Pray-er

C has started praying with me when I pray during her bedtime routine. I noticed the other night that she was muttering while I prayed, and I asked her if she wanted to talk to God. She nodded vigorously and said "talk-a God!" Now she gets so excited when I tell her it's time to talk with God and Jesus. She is so aware of her blessings. I do the praying in terms of "requests" but she just says lots of thank-yous, and mostly for people. "Thank you God, (for) Pammie, Maddie, Miss Rachel. Thank you (for) kids, play(ing) with kids, fun, 'nastics, dance. Thank you (for our) tea party. Thank you (for) Papa, Grammy, Papa, Nana, Mommy, Daddy." Isn't that the most precious! I am so blessed by my baby girl. I wish I could claim some responsibility for her sweet spirit, but I think she just came made that way. 

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