Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My One Political Statement

Like it, or not...there is a winner in this election, and Barack Obama  will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States in January. And it's not really him that I want to discuss, but the "like it or not". I've been browsing the news articles that address the reaction to Obama's election. I'm reading statements from McCain supporters that read as "I'm afraid for our country" and "I dread this Obama presidency." Mr. Obama has been demonized and vilified in a variety of advertising throughout this campaign, leading to these very emotional and negative responses. What good did it do to make some of our American people fearful when it comes to Mr. Obama? He's the President-elect that we have, and the President that we will be living with, and _all_ of the American people need to be prepared for him to represent us. He will be my husband's next commander-in-chief, and I, for one, have to place my trust in him to do what is best with our military. It serves no purpose to have instilled fear. Perhaps when the next election comes 'round, the candidates will consider what impressions of one another that will best serve the people, rather than what impressions will provide a "win at all costs." From here on out though, only time will tell, and we must go forward in faith, not fear. Perhaps candidates will consider that we need to be able to do that with either of them, regardless of who wins the election. (On a more humorous note, maybe we're all winners today: no more election ads!)

Footnote: I read a similar commentary on a reaction site, and this prompted the above thoughts. I can't find the site again, or I'd credit it. 


manhattandoula said...

Thank you for this wise response to the election. You are such a good example. I understand why some people are disappointed that McCain wasn't elected, but our country needs to place its trust in the leader we've picked. We'll all be better for it.

timsarmywifey said...

Hmmm... I see where you're coming from but I can't agree. Yes he will be the next cic and that in itself is a scary thing simply because of his own policies and opinions! Our country is meant to be a republic not a socialist nation. Should we as Christian's be in pray for him and the position he's been given? The decisions he will make? Absolutly! Also in prayer for his salvation and his family, that he would turn to God for wisdom and His word. But that doesn't preclude us from voting against issues and making our congressmen and women aware of where we stand. These are perilous days indeed.

timsarmywifey said...

ps-- wanted to clarify. While I do beleive God has allowed him to be elected, and we owe him a certain amount of respect just because he's the President (which I don't think Bush really ever got but I digress...) I don't beleive he will be good for our country (honestly neither candidate was my fav)as far as the direction we will go or our enemies. First thing I did Wed morning was call Tim and see if things were fine there as the transfer of power is always a dicey time. I however do not trust him nor do I think it is wise to do so... the great thing is that at least right now we all still have the freedom to say so!


Autumn said...

Amen, Beth! Well said. I was very tired of the hateful and evil (and often unfounded) things being said about both candidates, especially Obama. As a McCain voter, I will support our new president. Enough of the hate and fear-tactics. He is the man God chose for this moment in history. For what reasons? We may not know this side of heaven. I don't have to agree with all his ideals and policies. But, he especially deserves our prayers and support as Christians.

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