Wednesday, June 13, 2007

C's many "friends"

C's not so much into dolls, but stuffed animals are all the rage. Of course, she can't carry just one around, it has to be an entire menagerie. I usually take a few animals with us on our outings, but so far I've been able to make sure they stay in the car. When we go into stores, I tell her that the store doesn't let animals inside, and since she doesn't see animals inside, she accepts that. The park is trickier, since there are often dogs being walked around that area. I've come up with telling her that the dog has a leash on; animals at the park have to be on a leash and we don't have a leash for her animals. I guess that will work until she decides to ask me to get a leash for her "friends". Daddy is right up there in popularity too. Usually, when Daddy arrives home, she drops whatever she's doing, running for him so she can beg him to "up"...before he can take his boots, or even his hat off! However, yesterday, she wanted both Daddy and the friends, Take a look at how pleased she is in that situation.

1 comment:

manhattandoula said...

That is a mighty cute photo! One of my favorite moments of the day is watching both our kids race to Daddy when he comes in the door. Dan picks them up and hugs them, swings them around, and then they start talking to him -- Jonathan about Dan's bike helmet (not that you can understand what he says!) and Ellie about all the things she's done that day.