Sunday, March 2, 2008

What a privilege

I just have to share this testimony about the working of the Holy Spirit. I didn't manage to check my email on Thursday and Friday, so it wasn't until yesterday that I learned my friend Melissa had her baby. I hadn't even known she was in labor. However, she's been on my prayer list for a week or so, and I've been praying about her birthing process. On Wednesday night I couldn't sleep, so I went through my prayer list. The rest of my list went first, and quickly, but my prayers over Melissa seemed to linger. I felt moved to pray in depth for her and specifically for her labor. Finally, I felt like I could stop praying and could finally sleep, without any effort at all; I just drifted off. It was just after 11:30 pm. On Thursday and Friday I didn't feel the need to pray for her delivery at all, and just dropped that off my list for the moment, intending to pray for it later. Evan was born at 9:37 pm PST, which would have been 11:27 pm, my time. The Holy Spirit had led me to pray for her through her labor and delivery. I feel incredibly blessed to have been allowed the privilege to pray through that time for her, even though she...and I didn't even know it. How sovereign is the Lord our God!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for your prayer covering. You have successfully brought me to tears! Evan and I are doing well and I will call you soon to give you updates! Love to you, F and C! Melissa