Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another quip...or two

Last night we went to a dinner at the chapel and a little bunny was outside munching on leaves. We stopped to watch it--for about 10 minutes. We actually had to sit down on the sidewalk, we were there so long. C was very good about it too, she didn't chase him, she just sat and watched, and talked to it and about it. My favorite though:

C: Hi bunny, *points to self* I C, *points to me* and this is my friend, Mommy.

She looked at me a little later and said, "I want to pet bunny."
By this time I was ready to be done watching the bunny so I said, "Go ahead and try."
C very cautiously walked toward the bunny, and the bunny hopped away, of course. C looked up at me very solemnly and said, "I don't think bunny wants petted."

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