Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The other worst part of the Army life

Okay, so deployments and the separation that results is the worst part of being an Army family. The second worst part is PCS season ("Permanent" Change of Station for non-Army readers). What that really means is saying "goodbye" (most likely "see you later") to friends as one or both move away from the post where the friendship has perhaps formed... or rooted...or grown, and likely flourished. The grownups among us know what's going on, and why, but often the children among us do not. If we, the adults don't like the moving-away, I suppose we should understand even moreso why the children don't. This is the first round of PCSing that C has really understood that her friends are leaving. This summer two of her best friends departed as their dads took on new assignments. She was quite the weepy one for several days after, until our trip to see the grandparents distracted her for a while. After we returned home, several weeks went by that required Mommy and Daddy to act as playmates, as we waited for new children to move in so we could meet them. Even now, months later, C mourns the absence of her two good friends, even though she's made some new ones. This situation then, is the proof positive that one can make new friends, but old ones are never replaced. Thank you to Kate and Erin's mommies for helping me keep the girls in touch with one another.

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