Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Greetings all...I have finally joined the ranks of the bloggers.

Only recently did I begin to understand the appeal of "the blog", but being the wife of an Army-man means a life filled with moving, and that changed things. Whether we're moving away from family and beloved friends , or our friends are moving from the post where we're the ones staying, it means that the number of those we call "friend" are not necessarily nearby. We call, we email, but I still forget to whom I've told what. Now, I can just put all the latest and greatest right here!

The bonus, and other factor that changed the appeal of "the blog" is being the mother of a toddler. Now I have the excuse (read as: "motivation") to record all of the family "doin's" since I've been (sarcasm coming) oh-so-good and reliable at it up until now. With as much as Cassie and the rest of us are up to these days, I'd really like to get the details recorded, but with as much as Cassie and the rest of us are up to these days, I don't exactly have or make the time to do so. I'd really like to scrapbook these things...someday, but until "someday" arrives, "the blog" will be a great place to store them, don't ya think?

1 comment:

mandy, mother of 4 said...

I wish you the best in your blogging adventure!