Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How did I get such a child

I'm sure Cassie came from my genes, but I sure haven't seen them today.

First, she decided to be a morning person again...6AM anyone? This is, of course, after I had set my alarm so I could force myself to get up at that hour and have time to do some mommy-things before getting Cassie up and going. HAH!

Now, she's all about the "yuck". This is her new favorite word. She is constantly picking up the icky little things from the floor and handing them to me to put in the trash. Finally got smart and taught her how to throw them in a trash bin that's all hers. However, it gets worse...better? Not sure which one. Anyway, every time her hand gets a bit of dirt on it, or a bit of food (ever tried having a toddler feed herself without getting hands messy?), or her clothes get some miniscule "yuck" on them, she announces "YUCK"! and pleads for Mommy (that would be me) to wipe it, clean it, wash it, change it, or in some other way remove it from her person.

We have also, of late, discovered the joys of coloring. I bought Cassie some ColorWonder markers and paper, and she is loving her own "pens". We colored a good 4 or 5 times today. Of course, she has a strong sense about numbers and won't accept just 2 markers being out at a time. She's well aware that there are 10 or so markers in the set, and keeps going for them until they're all out, preferably with their caps pulled off.

How on earth did my child end up with morning tendencies, neat freakishness and number-sense? I blame it on her daddy.

1 comment:

bgsmagee said...

I wish Garrett would develop some sense of "yuck". I followed him all over the backyard yesterday trying to retrieve a tatertot from him. It wasn't the tot that bugged me, mind you, but the sand/mud mixture that it had accumulated.