Sunday, August 26, 2007

Quick Visit

This has been the summer of the grandparents. Not only were we able to take C to see her Grandparents Wong, but her Grandparents Lippert got to come visit her! She was unsure of them at first, but after they had been here for about 20 minutes, she seemed to remember them and got all excited and show-offy. It was hard to get her to bed that night! They arrived late on a Sunday night, and returned to Vegas on Wednesday for their early-morning Thursday flight. I managed to schedule a number of my meetings and practices for our upcoming programs for that week, so I had built-in sitters! It was such a luxury. Grampa, who has been dubbed "Papa" or "Poppy," taught C how to "gimme five". She entertained Gramma by trying to lay out her blankets on the floor, quite fastidiously. The blanket thing is a rather recent obsession, as she lays them out, lies down on them and says "nap", "shhh, shhh, shhh" a few times, closes her eyes and then pops back up to repeat the process. All of this with a stuffed friend in her arms. Gramma helped me out by doing some laundry, and C, just like when Mommy does the laundry, helped shift the wet clothes to the dryer. She thinks it's great fun and Gramma was impressed. The cutest thing about their visit, and probably the saddest was the moment we returned home after having dinner with my parents in Barstow. We came through the laundry room door and C ran to the living room, where Grampa had most often been during the visit, laughing "Pa-pa! Pa-pa!" it quickly became "Pa-pa?" as she ran through the kitchen looking for him, followed by a wailing "PA-PA!!!!!" when she realized he wasn't here. She was quite distressed. The next few times we came home from being out, she went through the same procedure, but has since recovered. I think she's going through a "male" phase; she's really enamored with Daddy and was quite smitten with both grandfathers during her time with them. It was a nice visit, but I wish it had been longer, or that C's grandparents were closer so we could see all four of them more often.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE all the updates!