Saturday, October 13, 2007


Oh boy, C has discovered several new concepts in the last few days. It's amazing to see her little mind develop and understand new things. She came up with "princess" recently, even though she's never been exposed to any "princess" stories in tv, movie or book form. She's pulled out her Usborne touch & feel books on her own and keeps coming to me with "Look!" and showing me something new she's discovered. Most striking though, is "Catch!" followed by her throwing something at me. Today we worked all evening on throwing a ball, not Roley, books or packages of baby wipes, and she's doing better about throwing appropriate items. She also started doing better about waiting until I'm ready. She says, "ready, go!" and then throws. However, she doesn't always wait until I say "okay." Oddly enough, she's become enchanted by the Iron Chef on Food Network. I was flipping through channels and she crawled up on my lap and said "stop" when I got to it, her eyes big, making "ooh" noises and saying "hot!" referring to the steam she noticed. When I changed the channel, she looked back at me and said "No! Back! Hot!"I couldn't help but laugh. I think all the action is what held her attention. I don't think she knew it was food. Considering her food pickiness lately, I think the knowledge that it was food would have turned her off. I wonder what she'll learn, or figure out, next.

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