Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pumpkin Patch adventures

C went to the "pumpkin patch" for the first time on Monday. Kimberly and I took Sophie and C down to Redlands where there was a pumpkin patch more like the ones I recall as a child. It had more of an agricultural feel to it rather than the pen with pumpkins on tables that was set up in Victorville. C and Sophie got to pick out their pumpkins for the season, climb on a giant "hay castle" and visit a little petting zoo.

C was delighted by getting up and close feeding the goats running in the pen. She wasn't at all scared of having them eat out of her hand. In fact, when she got crowded by them, she started chasing them and giggling. It was a hoot! She was actually more afraid of the animals that were inside pens that she couldn't touch. She wanted a big pumpkin, but I decided the rule would be that she could only have a pumpkin that she could carry. She was pleased with her pumpkin, and has been saying "pumpkin" for several days, finding pictures of them in magazines and on the television. It's quite cute

We did have quite the adventure on the way home. We made it to the bottom of the Cajon Pass, where the I-215 and the I-15 merge and the pass had to be closed because of the wildfires. There was even a time when I could have taken pictures of the guardrails along the median of the road we were driving on, in flames. Freaky! We almost had to stay in San Bernardino or Redlands, but I called Papa, my dad, and he found a long way around the mountain range so that we could get home that night. It was really late by the time C and I got to crawl into bed. I'm just glad I wasn't driving!

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