Monday, February 25, 2008

Both Feet

We're jumping in to life at Fort Leavenworth with both feet. My calendar is packed already--I can hardly believe it. FLW has an incredible Child and Youth Services program. Their SKIESUnlimited program even has classes for tots (age 2!) I learned this fall that as long as C gets to leave the house for something relatively structured once a day, she sleeps pretty well at night, and our time at home is much more pleasant. Thus, she (we) are registered for gymnastics, dance, and toddler tunes through the CYS. We attended playmorning for the first time last week and after some warming-up, C had fun chasing the balls around, and I had fun visiting with some other mommies. I've also found storytime at the Post library and some fun things at the KC children's museums. I already feel involved again! It's wonderful. C had her first day at gymnastics this morning. She enjoyed bouncing on the mats and trampolines, and climbing all the mat-toys they have set up, but the big hit was swinging on the uneven parallel bars and kicking over the toy elephant! There's another little girl about her age in the class, and a boy was there today. It looks like it will be a good time.

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Hi Beth! Glad to hear that ya'll are doing well! I've been reading your blog for a little while now. Love it! Take care! Fort Irwin missses you!