Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Central Time

There's a part of me that simply cannot believe we're back in CST. We spent night #1 in Kingman AZ, #2 in Albequerque NM, and tonight we're in Amarillo TX. The cats are handling the travel well (except for trying to get them out from under hotel beds!) and C's being a real trooper about all the time in the car, and hotels and restaraunts. She's still asking to go home, but not quite so often or adamantly. Perhaps she's beginning to understand what we mean when we answer that "we're on our way to our new home." We're quite glad for our DVD player, but she's even getting tired of the TV! We've been keeping a pretty decent pace with the driving, and stopping with plenty of time for C to bounce around and unwind before bed each night. Today we kept the drive short, only about 4 hours in the car, and stopped at the Don Harrington Discovery Center (Children's museum) before heading to the hotel. C loved it; she was delighted that Mommy and Daddy were letting her push all the buttons and flip all the switches! C has also enjoyed having Papa's attention; my dad flew out to Ontario to help me on the drive east. As nuts as we drive each other, I honestly don't think I could handle this trip without him. I hope he knows how very grateful I really am. While fast food has been the necessity for lunches on the day-drive, we've enjoyed some nice sit-down establishments in the evening. We visited a local diner in Kingman, called JB's. They specialized in comfort food; it was positively delish! We thought fondly of my Gr'pa in Albequerque, eating at Furr's cafeteria; it was his (and my Gr'ma's) favorite place to eat when they were alive. C enjoyed her mac-n-cheese and had fun with the whipped topping on her jello. (Picture to follow later). The trip is long, and I'm looking forward to getting to our new home, but it hasn't been too bad, all in all.

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