Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feels like home

There is something to be said for F's adage though, that "Home is the post you just left." I keep referring to Irwin as "back home". Except I referred to Kansas as "back home" the entire time we were in Irwin! Isn't it funny the things our minds come up with in the midst of all this moving? For the first time today, I didn't spin around in circles in the kitchen wondering where I'd put something. I knew where it was. What an awesome feeling! I also knew where I was depositing C while I went to PWOC, and where I was going as I drove to C's dance class. I guess that's a sign that this is beginning to feel like home. C knows where her room is, and where F and I are if we call out that we're in "x" room. She's even figured out where she's to go when I tell her to go to time-out. We know that we're settled in for two reasons really. 1) We've had our first guests over for dinner and 2) I took a nap with C this afternoon instead of doing something for the house. F feels particularly proud of how our home looks. He's asked me to post a few of the pictures of our new digs--including the one of C and me napping. I'm going to try to put together a slide show like the ones one of my friends has on her site. Keep an eye out for it.

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