Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Toddlerhood: Potty training and food jags

Well, it's official, we've begun potty training. For months C has been interested in the toilet, and it's use, and every so often she'd ask to sit on it, but when she said "all done" nothing new was in the potty. This morning though, we were in the middle of changing the morning diaper, and C said "potty!" I indulged her, and lo, and behold, there was new stuff in the potty when she said "all done!" Yippee!

Now, if I could just get her to eat something besides applesauce, oatmeal and goldfish crackers. I think those 2-year molars that she's been working on lately are hurting, so she's fussy about what goes in her mouth. However, knowing that doesn't make living with her persnickitiness any easier.

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