Thursday, September 13, 2007

MOPS kickoff

It's official, the year has started. Both of the organizations I'm involved in have had their kick-offs. MOPS got started yesterday, with an amazing meeting. The theme this year is "The Home Factor...Begin Here, Go There." We started yesterday with the Front Porch, where people gather to visit and get to know one another. Fittingly, we had activities for the ladies to get to know each other in their care/discussion groups. We started with a skit to set the tone for the year, based on the story of the 3 little pigs. It turned out so cute! I couldn't believe the laughter in the room! If you'd like a copy, let me know...I wrote it, though I credit all the inspiration totally to the Lord. We also made a welcome sign for our homes. The most hilarious part of the day was the Survivor: Motherhood game we played. Each of the discussion groups was a team and had challenges that relate to surviving a day as mommy of an under-6er (toddler, infant, preschooler). I had no idea that toilet paper could be rolled back up so quickly, or that adults could chug baby food! The Care Fair was yesterday too, and several women who'd been to their first MOPS meeting ever that morning stopped to tell us that they had so much fun, and they'll be back! We may even run into an awesome problem: having to start a new discussion group! Praise God!

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