Monday, November 12, 2007

Day Out with Thomas

C is totally "into" Thomas the Tank Engine (train) these days. As chance would have it, there is a train museum about 2 1/2 hours from here, in Perris California. The day after C's calendar birthday, they sponsored a "Day Out with Thomas". The event included meeting Sir Topham Hatt (which we didn't get a picture of because my batteries died right as we got to the front of the line and I didn't have access to my extras at that moment), riding on a train that had Thomas pulling, and several other Thomas-related activities in "Imagination Station". Thomas also brought along his friend, Bob the Builder (whom C also LOVES!) who had a 20 minute show followed by a meet-and-greet session, where we did get a picture! Since C likes her trains so much, I think we may go back to look at the museum when it's not so crazy with kids to see Thomas. C was very excited to see Thomas pulling the train, and she boarded all by herself, to the amazement of our ticket-taker. The look on her face to see Bob arrive, live, was priceless. Her eyes got big and her mouth dropped open in awe. I was holding her though, so no picture. When we met Bob, she couldn't take her eyes off him! But I'm so proud of my little girl, she went right up to him, bold as brass!

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