Friday, November 16, 2007

Dreamin'...part 2

Well, we are finally dreaming again around the Wong house. I'm still not sure what exactly was the cause of C's sleep problems, but we've gotten to the point where she's sleeping through the night again, and in her own (TWIN!) bed. She's done well for a week, so I hope we're on a trend now. We've finally worked out a bedtime routine that she likes and works for us too. However, I now have Goodnight Moon memorized. C likes the bedtime routine so much that I walked into her room this morning and she was standing by her toddler bed (that she won't sleep in), tucking Kitty, George and Jammie George in and "reading" Goodnight Moon to them. She turned around and said "back check", kissed them and walked away. Then she ran back to them. She was mimicking our routine. It was so cute! I'm hoping to get a picture of it sometime. It would make a great scrapbook page.

1 comment:

timsarmywifey said...

That is great! I remember reading "Better not get wet Jessie Bear" to Sara about 5 million times before she moved on to a new book! and now she's almost 18!! Enjoy it!

